you no how yesterday (or was it the day before? aw who cares!) I posted about a giant squid baby, well thats just dumb. I let it all go to my head. but then I found something very interesting.
but there to big to belong to a penguin.
and then it hit me!
in the end of herberts revenge herberts hot air balloon pops and he flys off and crashes into an unknown place. I think herbert crashed into the tallest mountain and found the secret cave, and is planning something BIG! in the last herberts revenge mission, he almost sunk club penguin, ok, this part of my theory gets a little unlikely but here it is, herbert will build a penguin robot and lure all the penguins to the iceberg and have it sink, then the giant squid will come(I no, I just HAD to bring him into this I no) and capture several penguins which will bring a new level of aqua grabber in where u half 2 save all the penguins, after that G will capture it after awhile rockhopper will come and when he leaves he will take the giant squid with him and go out to sea and release it into the ocean.
I no, thats ULTRA unlikely but it would still make a great field op.